Huawei disbands its Canada branch, lays off 4,500 employees. Refuses to issue 5G patents to Canada
Huawei has decided to cancel its Canada branch and lay off 4500 employees. And it refused to issue 5G patents to Canada. Huawei declared war on Canada
Meng Wanzho has been illegally detained in Canada for 32 months. None of the three types of evidence provided by the defense can prove that HSBC suffered actual losses and reputational damage due to Meng Wanzhou’s ppt disclosure. And this speech also shows that Meng Wanzhou is innocent. But the strange thing is that Canadian judicial authorities do not directly release Meng Wanzhou.
Huawei has declared war on Canada. Ren Zhengfei said that Huawei will cancel its Canadian branch and lay off 4,500 employees, while also banning the authorization of 5G patents in Canada. Canada’s illegal arrest of Meng Wanzhou also made Huawei intolerable.

China technology, economy etc. It is a world leader in many aspects. Currently, 41 countries support Huawei and have received 91 orders for 5G construction. China has also built 990,000 5G communications equipment with Huawei’s technical equipment. We are confident that after Huawei pulls out of Canada, Canada’s technology will lag far behind China and the world.
The war already started 30 months back
Canada do not deserve to operate 5G networks. A US puppet, Canada should ask US to help install 5G network !
US not able to help ’cause they dont have the 5G technology.
Canada like a kiddy , not able to chose who is a friend and a foe.
A bitter lesson learn for being unwise.
Poor little chineses. Cant make friends anywhere cept with dictators. Most corrupt country. All slaves and too dumb to realise it.
I have respect for many of my Canadian friend who stood their word for law obeying citizen. But when I told them that they are a puppet to American hegemony, they could not believe it. What is more strange is their logic and interpretation was flawed and not even realizing them. Only now they realize ‘ I have been hook winded by the Yankees.”
Agreed, they are really puppets, like Japan, South Korea, Britain and Australia, all relied and controlled under the US empire, not what democracy. They are right wing Warlords
No brain needed when you are slave to your master
pathetic hateful person you are…. shame!
What is more shameful than being a dog to USA and detained an innocent woman for almost three years without any evidence of wrong doing. And then disgustingly expect people not to retaliate???
Time will tell who are dumb and who are slaves.
Although I’m not from China but I hold the view that you sounded like a person who is ill informed, poorly educated, extremely bitter and an orphan with very low moral. I can only describe you as a person who stands so low that you can probably slide off the snake’s arse
☝️☝️☝️Canada’s guilt and deservingly, its retribution for being a lapdog to TRUMPed up charges.罪有应得 😡
China is not like the native indians in the americas where they have been slaughtered into near extinction and unable to fight back. The average chinese would suggest that canadians and other whites should go back and live in the stone age.
make a lot of senses
Canada is like America’s drones. Even the court can be intervened.
To every action, there is a reaction. Since Canada acted like a dog on a leash, it should be treated like one.
If thats true then China should be tortured and sterilized.
Taiwan returning to China soon no matter how u scream. 🤣
Canada’s guilt and deservingly, its retribution for being a lapdog to TRUMPed up charges. In Chinese, it is 罪有應得
Brilliant statement 👍👏👏👏
Good job, Meng Wanzho
Well done, if this done Bfo general election in Canada, think Trudeau may not HV won n still work as PM.干的h很好 假如在 加拿大 大选 一切
The problem is that the Conservatives are definitely worse than Trudeau who is sitting on the fence. He is trapped by USA! He should be independent like his father, Pierre Trudeau and Jean Chretien who had more guts and courage!
Pierre Trudeau and Jean Cretien built residential schools. You are an idiot who supports genocide
who needs 5g anyway! I happy with 4g. 5g will create issues etc. but can be helpful
It’s not only about the average people, like you, using a cell-phone connecting to the internet to watch video, dramas and having online lessons. 5G has a huge impact on the industry improvement, developing the next generation of internet, opening a brand-new age of manufacturing . You idiot, so you are a Canadian? I am a Chinese woman.
Meng’s release is not authorised by Canada’s attorney general but by US prosecutors, which has the final say. Question : Canada, as a sovereign n independent country has no right to release Meng but has to take instructions from another country to release her on a conditional discharge not amounting to an acquittal? What a farce of Canadian justice n judiciary? Who would want to visit Canada after this fiasco?
Canada is such a joke
As a Chinaman of 50+ years living in Australia under white supremacy, thank you, Huawei
More like an idiot living in destitute…..
My question WHY DO YOU LIVE in Australia if China is Heaven?
There are many reason that people stay out of their country. And there is no word to harm the country, but people attitude about the white supremacy.
Why you be so acid to him, your name not even white
If you are upset that the majority rules in a democracy, move back to China
Yes, I support Huawei. Don’t let US, Canada and all English speaking countries bully China.
The countries you listed don’t have concentration camps. China does
Canada desire it! 😡
I got something u desire 🍆
This is the consequence of blindly support USA. Canada deserves this punishment. More will come.
China deserves this for their aggression towards other countries, their concentration camps and for unleashing a bio-weapon on the world
Well done Mr Ren, you are truly a loving father. I would have done the same for my daughter. You are dealing with countries where there are ungrateful and disgraceful people. Instead of appreciating how your 5G helps people especially in rural communities, they trumped up illegal charges against Ms Wen and detained her for a long time. Letting them experience a little hardship may help experience what you and Ms Meng went through.
I am Anthony Lim from Singapore and I wish you well. Stay safe.
singarporians are too smart as well …. behave yourselves…
Ms Meng lived in a multimillion dollar home while under detention. Our two Canadian citizens were held like dogs in cages in jail. As soon as she was released so were our 2 Canadians. The retaliation of the Chines gov’t is an affront to humanity
It’s time to pay back! C hiding behind his BIG bully bro to show off, and left behind to face the consequences alone.
Australia next.
Understandable response by Huawei. Although this will just open the door to Nokia and Ericsson to come into Canada’s 5G. Big picture, this nick and pick on both sides doesn’t help US/China relationship, it actually pulls them further apart.
I always thought Canada was an independent, sovereign nation. So hard to believe they allowed the US to dictate the terms to them on Meng Wanzhou’s arrest and release. Unbelievable! Begs the question; who’s really running Canada? Not a proud moment for Canada. Jellybaby Trudeau has to go!
Good business decision. No business sense to maintain operations in any country if there are no 5G business because of the country’s ban.
There is now a 51st State of USA. It is called CANADA. The 52nd State is almost there. Great 21st Century. These new States will create their own 5G. Never fear.
Who needs 5 g anyway!
Becoming part of the US is infinitely more desirable than becoming part of China with their social credit system and concentration camps
One should not preach one policy and acted another. Canada really failed in displaying example of a demcratic nation to the rest of the world. Shame on the Canadian government.
It is doesn’t matter, 4G or 5G.
The point is why the Canadian government attested her without proved crime,..why .
I am Thai and living in Thailand,nothing to do with China or US or Canada.I just feel ,not fair.
The point is why did the Chinese gov’t arrest our 2 Canadians immediately after Weng’s arrest with no proved crime. They also held them in jail for 3 years with no contact with the Canadian embassy or their families while Wanzhou was living in a multimillion dollar house, was allowed to go out and about and was allowed her family to visit. The Chinese gov’t insisted that our Canadians were not arrested in retaliation, but as soon as Wanzhou was released, so were our citizens. So you tell me how any of this was fair.
She’s been under canadian court custody for 32 months without sound evidences of guilt. What a waste of time and opportunity for an innocent and brilliant lady who could probably make billions of dollars out of such a long period of time. She must have felt like being held hostage by the Canadian government because I heard from the news that the American made her sign a paper saying that she had committed crime and wouldn’t do it again before being released. It sounds to me like mafia capturing a female hostage for a ransom, not nations that the fellow countrymen and their offsprings should be proud of when it is written down as history of pre WW III
Completely glossing over the 2 michaels being taken hostage. China’s concentration camps or their unleashing of a bio-weapon on the world. Not even mentioning Hong Kong or Taiwan.
Super clean hands.
Grow up