Huawei alternative Google applications

Huawei alternative Google applications

2019-12-23 0 By Huawei     GOOGLE NEWS    

The company, which has been the focus of sanctions since May, has developed an alternative to applications used around the world. Gmail will replace apps like Google Maps, Chrome, Photos. Cloud backups of user devices will be taken.

Huawei is reportedly working on alternatives for Google apps and has invested over $1 billion globally towards its HMS (Huawei Mobile Services) developer program. Huawei India chief Charles Peng told Economic Times in a statement:

We have our own HMS and are trying to build a mobile ecosystem. We are focusing on how to work with developers to offer a good customer experience. It is a challenge that we are trying to address.

Applications developed by Indian developers will be used in Europe and many countries. The 100-150 most used applications in each country will be installed on Huawei Mobile Services.

The main problem will be with services such as YouTube and the Google Play Store. Yes, Huawei has it’s App Gallery as an alternative, but it doesn’t host a lot of essentials such as Facebook, WhatsApp, and Instagram.