SMIC firm responds to Huawei joint factory installation news
It was reported that Huawei will establish a new factory with SMIC (Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corporation). SMIC has released a statement about the factory, which is said to be a partner.
He stated that the relevant personnel from Huawei said that all of the following content was false news. People close to SMIC said that SMIC never participated in or helped Huawei set up a factory. So far, only foundry level work has been done between the two companies.

Information about SMIC: Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corporation (SMIC) is a partially state-owned, publicly traded Chinese semiconductor casting company. SMIC was founded on April 3, 2000 and is headquartered in Shanghai. It was established as a limited company in the Cayman Islands. Its origins reversed a common pattern in China’s government building development, operation, and then transferring industrial projects, such that SMIC ran the company, but the capital costs were borne by the municipality, freeing SMIC from the core cost of their factories. In 2013, it established a joint venture in Beijing to manufacture using 40 nm and below technologies. (source: wikipedia.org)