Huawei Arab Innovation Day 2021 will be held in Dubai
Huawei Arab Innovation Day 2021 will be held on October 19 at Dubai World Trade Center’s Al Multaqa Ballroom. This year’s conference will be held under the theme of ‘Collaboration for Innovations in the Arab World’.
Huawei Arab Innovation Day 2021 will discuss and discuss the roadmap of emerging technologies in the Arab world, cyber security developments, key industries, technologies such as 5G, Cloud and AI.

Steven Yi, President of Huawei Middle East, said about the importance of Huawei Arab Innovation Day: “For more than two decades, Huawei has been collaborating with leading public and private organizations in the Arab world to support their digitalization journey. In the pandemic environment, digitalization has accelerated worldwide, enabling economies to recover and grow in a challenging time. In this year’s edition of Huawei Arab Innovation Day, we are proud to bring together leading voices from the region and the world to provide in-depth information on the role that ICT will continue to play in the digital transformation of the countries of the Arab world. in the years to come.”