Huawei Quick App Downloadable as APK
2020-01-15 0 By Huawei         Follow @huaweinewos Tweet to @huaweinewosHuawei introduces the Quick app HarmonyOS, its rival to Google Instant.
Instead of Google Mobile Services (GMS), Huawei began testing applications under HMS and HM. HMS has many applications like AppGallery, Browser, Cloud, Themes, Music, Video and Assistant. Yesterday, ‘Quick App ara was added to these applications.
Similar to Google’s Instant Apps service. Quick App allows applications to be used without being completely downloaded. Huawei Mobile Services support applications developed in Java, HTML5 and CSS.
To take advantage of the service, they need to install Quick App on the APK phone they downloaded from AppGallery or the link here.
You can go to AppGallery> Manager> Quick App manager> Quick App Center to search, access, and manage quick apps. You can also add Quick App Center to your home screen. After adding quick apps to the home screen, you can open them directly by tapping the app icons without downloading them.