Germany is considering banning Huawei.
2019-12-16 0 By Huawei         Follow @huaweinewos Tweet to @huaweinewosGermany’s thought of banning Huawei angered China. If Germany bans the supply of Huawei 5G equipment, The Chinese ambassador in Germany can embargo against German cars in the country where millions of German cars are sold in China.
Chinese Ambassador Wu Ken said on Saturday that the consequences will come if Germany decides to remove Huawei from the German market. The Chinese government will not be indifferent to it. “
Although the German state does not say Huawei’s name, the ongoing debate about 5G security shows that it is Huawei.
Huawei repeatedly rejected allegations of espionage and sabotage for its technology. However, countries under US pressure, Huawei wants to have difficulty.